Island Park Getting Here - Kabino

Island Park Getting Here

Airports listed from closest to farthest to Island Park. Many guests fly into Salt Lake City International Airport, rent a car, and drive from there. Car rentals fill up fast, so plan ahead!

Please make sure your vehicle can handle dirt roads and potholes. In snowy conditions, it is advised that your vehicle is either 4-wheel or all-wheel drive, has a high ground clearance, and snow tires/chains.

The passes getting into Island Park do close in snowy conditions so that plows can catch up and make the roads safe for you. Please have emergency supplies in your vehicle in case you are waiting at the pass for them to open the roads again.

Yellowstone Airport

Only open in summer. By Car: 30 miles to center of Island Park

Idaho Falls Regional Airport

By car: 80 miles to center of Island Park

Jackson Hole Airport

By car: 109 miles to center of Island Park

Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport BZN

By car: 125 miles to center of Island Park

Pocatello Regional Airport

By Car: 135 miles to center of Island Park

Salt Lake City International Airport

By car: 295 miles to center of Island Park
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